Daytime High Temperatures
In May, temperatures begin to warm up with typical daytime highs between 24 and 25 degrees Celsius. Some days will likely reach 30°C, and the absolute record high temperature for the month is 42.6°C (recorded at Lanzarote Airport on the 13th of May 2016). The sun is very strong at this time of year, so visitors should take care – especially if there is a cooling breeze.
Nighttime Lows
At night, temperatures drop to around 17°C – so you may want to pack a light jacket or cardigan for the evenings. The absolute record low temperature recorded in May at Lanzarote Airport is 11.5°C, recorded on the 6th of the month in 1989.
On average, Lanzarote receives just 1.5mm of rain in May! Quite often there is no rain at all at this time of year, but the long-term average is for 3 days with appreciable rain during the month. The highest amount of rain ever recorded in May was 8.9mm – a tiny amount when compared to Northern Europe.
Cloud Cover
Despite the low rainfall, there are usually some scattered clouds in the sky in Lanzarote on most days in May. At Lanzarote Airport there are, on average, some clouds in the sky on 24 days of the month. There is still plenty of sunshine though, and a median of just two completely overcast days during the month. As always, the north west of the island is cloudier than the south and east.
The average wind speed is similar to April at 23.9kmph – neither the windiest nor calmest time of year. There can be some still days during the month though, and extremely stormy weather is highly unlikely.
Sea Temperature
At about 19°C, the sea is cooler than many people expect at this time of year – and many visitors are surprised to learn that the water is actually warmer in December than it is in May. A summer wetsuit is advisable if you plan on any water-based sports or activities, otherwise its okay for a quick refreshing dip.
Aemet.es Weather forecast from the Spanish State Meteorological Agency
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